Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Last minute Hen's request

My darling friend Izzy decided to put in a request for Hen's cupcakes.. 3 days before she needed them. And while 3 days may seem like a lot of time, when you're new to decorating and you're working with an oven that can only fit one tray at a time - 3 days isn't much!!

But, eager as I was for the opportunity to do naughty cupcakes, I dove in! The request was for 14 cupcakes for morning tea, and a dozen 'naughty' cupcakes for afternoon tea.

For morning tea, I decided to go for a 'spring' theme - various flowers and bright, cheery colours! Very pretty!

I had a little more fun with the naughty cupcakes.. the pictures say it all!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Birthday cakes for the boys!

Fresh with the knowledge from cake decorating classes, and armed with new cake decorating tools, I offered to make birthday cakes for a couple of friends who are celebrating with a joint birthday party. And, thanks to momentary insanity, I decided to make two cakes, one for each birthday boy. Stressful, considering how new we are at cake decorating!

I spent all of Thursday baking (with one disaster before - thankfully!- 2 beautiful cakes). It took all of Friday to decorate the cakes (ALL of Friday with both Lidia & myself)... no easy task on such a HOT day as everything kept melting!! We decided to go with "neon" colours as it was an 80s themed party. Hours of eternal patience later, both cakes were done! And looked pretty damn good, we reckon! Happy Birthday Jason & Ngu!